Moving house: 5 tips to keep moving-in day stress free

If you’re looking for independent mortgage advice, chances are you’re going to be moving house. We talk to many of our clients, each week and every month, about the realities of this upheaval. It’s a stressful time – so what can be done to keep moving-in day stress free?

Although the move itself only takes up one day, the period before and after can be emotionally and physically tiring.

So we’re more than happy to share our top tips for moving-house with you!

If you can, take photos of the home you’re leaving behind – layout and placements will probably work for you from the old house to the new, but everything looks different in a new setting and just starting the task can be daunting.

Photo displays can be especially hard to replicate. So if you spent hours figuring out the perfect layout for family snaps in the hallway, chances are you will want to repeat the display in the new place.

Taking a quick snap with your phone before you take them down will make the putting up in the new place a whole lot easier!

So, what else can we recommend to keep moving-in day stress free?


The minute you start to pack, make a ‘first day essentials’ crate. A large box for everyday essentials will be the last thing you take as you leave the house. From a kettle and teabags, to a favourite bedtime book or a spare bullet charger for your phone, these are the items that you will need as you unpack!

As move day can sometimes be delayed and make for a long day, make sure you pack snacks for the whole family, cereal bars for an emergency breakfast – and instant hot chocolate. A warming drink will certainly help you feel like you’re at home!

Coloured tape

Work out what you will need first and pack these boxes you will need first with red tape – duvets and covers for bedrooms, phones and chargers for the office, pans and cutlery for the kitchen.

It might seem a really obvious idea and something you won’t overlook. But when the time comes, you will really want to keep moving-in day stress free. So get as much of the obvious stuff out the way as far in advance as you can.

You will save precious energy and time when you unpack if you group all your essential items together.

Party time

You only really see packing and moving parties on TV… but the chances are your friends or family will be glad to do something to help out. If you’re moving far away, ask someone to work out the route and load it to your sat nav.

Or if you have a friend with time on their hands, ask them to find a list of numbers and addresses for the places you will need in those first stressful few days – directions to the local recycling area, the closest supermarket and corner shop and the number for a couple of local take aways!


Seriously – don’t pack them! If your movers are taking chests and wardrobes full, that’s great, but not everyone offers this service. If not, take a roll of large bin liners or vacuum bags and roll clothes still on their hangers 8-12 items at a time. Only the very middle items will crease.

For chests, pack per person / per chest and shove it all in large, strong bags. Buy a cheap pack of flannels and pack these in with your clothes. If items are creased as you unpack, put them in the drier along with a couple of wet flannels for a 30 minute refresher cycle – creases be gone!

We hope you’ve found our top tips on keeping moving-in day stress free useful. Good luck with your own house move!

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